Synthetic Rose Bouquet - White with Glitter


Welcome to Barbaras Flowers Day, your ultimate destination for high-quality synthetic rose bouquets. If you're looking for a stunning floral arrangement that lasts a lifetime, our Synthetic Rose Bouquet in White with Glitter is the perfect choice. Our beautiful collection of artificial rose bouquets is carefully designed and crafted to bring elegance and charm to any occasion.

Unmatched Quality and Design

At Barbaras Flowers Day, we understand that every detail matters when it comes to creating the perfect floral arrangement. That's why our Synthetic Rose Bouquet in White with Glitter is meticulously crafted using the finest materials and attention to detail. Each rose is hand-picked for its lifelike appearance, vibrant colors, and natural beauty.

Our experienced team of designers works tirelessly to create designs that are visually stunning and tailored to our customers' preferences. The Synthetic Rose Bouquet in White with Glitter features a delicate combination of white roses with sparkling glitter accents, adding an enchanting touch to any space.

Long-lasting Beauty

Unlike real roses that wither and fade, our Synthetic Rose Bouquet in White with Glitter maintains its exquisite beauty for years to come. Made from high-quality synthetic materials, these artificial roses retain their vibrant colors and lifelike appearance without the need for watering or maintenance.

Whether you’re looking for a centerpiece for your home, a decorative accent for a wedding, or a thoughtful gift for a loved one, our Synthetic Rose Bouquet in White with Glitter is a timeless choice. It offers the beauty of real roses without the worry of wilting or allergies.

Endless Possibilities

The Synthetic Rose Bouquet in White with Glitter is a versatile choice for various occasions and settings. Whether you're planning a wedding, decorating a special event, or simply adding a touch of elegance to your home, these artificial roses can be customized to suit your needs.

You can arrange the bouquet in a vase or use individual roses to create stunning floral arrangements. The white color with glitter accents adds a touch of glamour and sophistication, making it a perfect choice for both traditional and contemporary settings.

The Perfect Gift

If you're looking for a thoughtful and long-lasting gift, our Synthetic Rose Bouquet in White with Glitter is an ideal option. These artificial roses symbolize love, beauty, and appreciation, making them a meaningful present for birthdays, anniversaries, or Valentine's Day.

Unlike real flowers that eventually wilt and die, our synthetic rose bouquet will remind your loved ones of your affection for years to come. The stunning design and impeccable quality make it a gift that will be cherished and admired.


At Barbaras Flowers Day, we take pride in offering the highest quality synthetic rose bouquets. Our Synthetic Rose Bouquet in White with Glitter is a testament to our commitment to excellence in design and craftsmanship. Whether you're looking to elevate your home decor or make a lasting impression at an event, our artificial rose bouquets are sure to exceed your expectations.

Browse our collection today and choose the perfect Synthetic Rose Bouquet in White with Glitter to add elegance and charm to your space. Experience the beauty of artificial roses that are designed to impress and stand the test of time. Shop with Barbaras Flowers Day for all your flower needs and let us help you create unforgettable memories with our stunning synthetic rose bouquets.


Brian You

These synthetic roses with glitter are the perfect choice for adding elegance and charm to any occasion! ?✨